CONECTS (COllaborative iN EndoCrine & Thyroid Surgery)

CONECTS is the official trainee Collaborative in Endocrine and Thyroid Surgery launched at the annual meeting in 2021. It operates as a trainee collaborative for research in endocrine and thyroid surgery having representation from lead trainees from General Surgery and Otolaryngology.

The present lead trainees are Lizzie Kane (General Surgery) and Kristina (ENT) with support from Professor Neil Tolley as research lead

Research opportunities during the pandemic have been limited, nonetheless, the collaborative was able to collate and feedback on the impact of Covid on both the trainer and trainee experience. Collaborative projects for launch in 2021 include the pre-operative and post-operative use of Vitamin D in Thyroidectomy and Thyroid consent. Members can propose ideas for the research collaborative to collect data on a national scale. This can make a difference to many aspects of the practice of endocrine surgery from nationally endorsed protocols to work force planning
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